Requirements on device:
- File Explorer
Requirements on Windows:
- .NET Framework v4.5
- Java SE Development Kit 8 (x86 or x64)
- 7zip or Winrar program
- Speed hack (max. 65025)
- Damage hack (max. 65025)
Alternative Link
Including pre-installed APK-Multi-Tool + SWSA v1.2.8 APK file
- On your device. UNINSTALL the original Summoners War!
- Download the tool on your Computer
- Extract the ZIP file using 7zip or Winrar program
- Download "Java SE Development Kit 8" and Choose Windows x86 or Windows x64 version (check your Windows version before download!)
- After installing Java 8. Open APK-Multi-Tool folder and open Script.bat file
- Press any key to continue...
- Type "24" and press "ENTER" to select project
- Type "1" and press "ENTER" to select the project
- Type "9" and press "ENTER" to decompile
- Open "SWSA Custom Mod.exe"
- Select "Summoners War" tab
- Click on "Select "" file" button
- Go to the path where the Custom Mod program is located and go to APK-Multi-Tool -> projects -> SWSA128.apk -> lib -> armeabi (NOTE: If this path does not exist. Please run APK-Multi-Tool and decompile the APK file again!)
- Select "" file and start modifying Speed and Damage (Maximum value is 255! 255 * 255 = 65025)
- Click on Apply button (Note: The program does not say anything but everything is applied. i will add the pop-up window on next release)
- After that. Open APK-Multi-Tool folder and open Script.bat file again
- Press any key to continue...
- Type "24" and press "ENTER" to select project
- Type "1" and press "ENTER" to select the project
- Type "15" and press "ENTER" to compile the APK file and the program should say "Building APK... and Signing APK..."
- When it says Waiting on device... just close the program.
- Go to APK-Multi-Tool -> place-apk-here-for-modding. You should see the new modded APK named "signedSWSA1.2.9.apk"
- Connect your device to your computer using USB cable and transfer the file "signedSWSA1.2.9.apk" to your device
- Disconnect your device from your computer
- On your device. Open file explorer program. Go to the path where you copied the "signedSW1.2.9.apk" file
- Tap on the APK file and tap "Install"
- Open the game and enjoy